FAQs – Beachbody Ultimate Reset
May 17, 2012
Fridge has been cleaned out and filled with lots of fruits and veggies…..check! Taken before pics and video…check! Supplements & schedule are ready to go for tomorrow….check! Tomorrow is Day 1 of my journey on the Beachbody Ultimate Reset – a 21 day detox program. I’ve already gotten lots of questions about it, and I’ll try to answer some of them here. Also, watch my Ultimate Reset Video Review on YouTube.
1. Why do I need to detox?
Most people have eaten poorly for many years, and built up toxins in their bodies. Toxins come from pesticides in our food, the air/smog we breathe, the chemicals we use to clean with, the number of times we changed the oil in our cars without gloves, etc. Small amounts of toxins over time really build up and clog the filters of our body. This can lead to disease, allergies to foods (wheat, gluten, dairy, etc), Celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, difficulty losing weight, brain fog, and loss of energy just to name a few.
An analogy I use is to ask people ‘If I was selling my car and told you I had never changed the filters the whole 10 years I had it, would you want to buy it?’ Why not? Would it perform optimally? Most likely not….and there’s no difference in the filters of your body. They need to be cleaned out too, and that’s where the ULTIMATE RESET comes in.
It focuses on weaning you off the bad foods and toxins coming into the body, putting good, healthy foods and juices back in with all the nutrients and enzymes, adding fiber, trace minerals and more oxygen to the cells, adding pre and probiotics to put good bacteria back into the intestines, and alkalizing the body back to an optimal pH balance.
2. How will I know if it’s working?
Depending on how toxic you are starting out, you may display Herxheimer symptoms such as headaches, flu-like symptoms, irritability, skin rashes, and fatigue the first few days. The body is sooo amazing – it will start to heal itself if you give it the proper foods, water, rest, and exercise.
Even if you don’t have these symptoms, many people lose weight, cellulite, lower their blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. Take a baseline measurement before you start so you’ll know how well you did.
3. Do I have to follow their diet plan?
Yes. There is some variety for meals and snacks, and the Vegan formula of Shakeology (Tropical Strawberry) can be added in; however, the diet should be followed as closely as possible for best results.
If you have to eat out, you should take the diet guide with you to stay as close as possible to the menu selections.
4. But I don’t like some of the foods on the diet plan….
You can do almost anything for 21 days! Look at it as an opportunity to try new foods and spices and to take this time for yourself!! If you’ve tried the foods before, and truly don’t like them, don’t include them or find a healthy alternative. If you haven’t tried them, don’t judge them until you have. I’ve definitely been surprised myself with foods I thought I would hate.
5. But it’s so expensive….
No it’s not, and you can’t put a price on how much better you will feel after. I love that this company uses natural and organic ingredients as much as possible. They also offer a support forum and access to a network of Coaches like me to answer your questions. It’s not just ‘some cleanse’ you buy at the vitamin store…..it’s a system that’s been proven to work for many people and a support system to help if you have questions.
If you want the option of a meal replacement that has over 70 SuperFoods, Beachbody also offers Ultimate Reset Challenge Packs which include Vegan formula Tropical Strawberry Shakeology on Home Direct, and a 30-day free trial to the Club Membership. This membership includes a Meal Planner & Shopping List to maintain that Power Vegetarian lifestyle if you choose, and both can be cancelled at any time.
Here is the link to the Ultimate Reset Challenge Pack:
In addition to these FAQs, Beachbody has their own, and these can be found here {scroll to the bottom right of the page}. Let me know if you have any questions I have overlooked, and follow my Blog for more updates on my review of the BEACHBODY ULTIMATE RESET detox program.
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