How Nutritional Changes Can Help Austistic / ADHD Community

Fruit on the Ultimate Reset

Fruit on the Ultimate Reset

Can something as simple as changing the types of food eaten affect the behaviors of individuals with Autism?  YES!

According to the Annals of Clinical Psychiatry, research shows evidence in support of a gut-brain connection in their article “The possibility and probability of a gut-to-brain connection in autism”,  Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 2009;21(4):205-211

“Interestingly, celiac disease seems to predispose to depression, and autistic traits are found in children with celiac disease. Chronic gastrointestinal problems are connected to a lifetime prevalence of depression. Finally, exposing children with ADHD and intolerance to certain foods showed magnetic EEG changes when exposed to the same foods”

A 2012 study published by the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology found a direct link between GI issues and behavior. As many as 70 percent of children with autism have gastrointestinal issues at some point during childhood or adolescence — and diarrhea, food sensitivity and constipation can cause extreme discomfort, leading to irritability, and erratic or withdrawn behavior. (Reference:

Having friends with autistic children, I have heard of the remarkable behavioral changes they personally have seen by:

  1. Eliminating dairy from diet
  2. Going Gluten-Free and Organic as much as possible
  3. Eliminating artificial dyes
  4. Reducing amounts of sugar ingested
  5. Adding a Whole-Food Source MultiVitamin and Omega 3 Fish Oil or Plant Based Alternative
  6. Elevating Mood by diffusing with an Ultrasonic Diffuser Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Citrus Oils such as Wild Orange, Lemon, etc.
  7. Detoxing the body gently
    1. Diffuse or apply to bottoms of feet for a period of time Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Cilantro – detoxes heavy metals from the body.
    2. ION Cleanse Detox Foot Baths if they are able to stand putting feet in warm water for a period of time.  Can start with a few minutes and build up.
  8. Applying Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Frankincense to the back of neck and brain stem area on back of head daily.  Very High Quality Frankincense has Sesquiterpenes that actually cross the blood:brain barrier and help with cognitive symptoms.  (Reference article)

I understand how difficult it can be to implement changes to diets and touch; however, start small if needed.  Diffuse the Citrus oils, Cilantro, and Frankincense for weeks and look for behavioral changes.  Experiment with foods that taste and look similar to replace processed versions such as powdered mashed potatoes.  Try Garlic Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes.  I can hardly tell the difference myself and love them.  There are also several books to assist parents on changing diets and picky eaters listed here.

Some people follow the GAPS or Body Ecology Diet.  Read this article on GAPS for more information as well as this article on one Mother’s success with her son’s Autism on the Body Ecology Diet.

Continually introducing small changes over time can effect large changes overall.  I hope this helps, and I look forward to hearing of your successes!  Be Strong!  Be Kind!  Be Amazing!



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About Julz

Welcome to my blog! As a Wellness Consultant, independent Team Beachbody Coach, and Author, I am committed to helping you find the tools to heal your body, mind, and spirit. I am a Certified Personal Trainer, Licensed Massage Therapist, Feng Shui Consultant, and Certified Health Coach specializing in the areas of diet, exercise, cleanses, meditation, feng shui, and energy medicine.

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